National Student Employee Appreciation Week

National Student Employment Appreciation Week at IU Indianapolis

Each year during the second full week in April, National Student Employee Appreciation (NSEA) Week comes to IU Indianapolis. This year NSEA Week is April 8–12. 

This vibrant and engaging week, in coordination with the National Student Employment Association, brings events and programs to help us appreciate IU Indianapolis students working on and off campus, as well as empowers employers to appreciate and to recognize their student employees. Nominations for Student and Supervisor of the Year are also announced and celebrated during NSEA Week.

Kickoff Event

Tuesday, April 9, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
Campus Center TV Lounge

Come snag your NSEA Week T-shirt and get a picture with the mascot!

NSEA Awards Ceremony

Wednesday, April 10, 3 p.m.4 p.m.
Campus Center Theatre

This is for student employees and supervisors who were nominated and will be invitation only.

NSEA Block Party

Thursday, April 11, 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Breezeway below Kelley School of Business, right by Taylor Hall Courtyard!

Celebrate with other student employees across campus. There will be more T-shirts, button and friendship bracelet making, plus much more!

NSEA appreciation video

Over the past few years, we have all faced many challenges and had to embrace a lot of change, but our student employees have stepped up to the challenge in more ways than one. It became especially clear to many of us how crucial our student employees are to our success and the success of IU Indianapolis as a whole. We have admired our student employees’ strength, resilience, and creativity as they continue to work hard to support their campus and each other. So, to you student employees, we thank you, and we appreciate you, not just this week, but every day. Please enjoy last year’s NSEA week video, and keep an eye out for our new video coming soon.

Nominate for NSEA Week awards

The nomination period for the 2024 NSEA Awards Ceremony is now closed. If you were nominated for or nominated someone for Student Employee or Supervisor of the Year, you will be contacted by our office to attend this year's awards ceremony.

The NSEA Awards Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, April 10, 3–4 p.m., in the Campus Center Theatre. This event is invite only.

Virtual appreciation

If you have students working remotely, it is still important to remind your students that you appreciate them. You can always send an email with a personalized message, but there are other ways you can send a virtual thank you that will make your message stand out. We have compiled a list of ideas to help your virtual NSEA Week be a success.

Increasing engagement and a sense of community can be challenging when your team is working remotely, but there are a few ways you can help your students feel connected.

Consider challenging your students to a daily or weekly trivia question that can be guessed through email. You could also encourage them to participate in polls where you can learn more about each other. Polls could also be completed during a Zoom meeting in a live setting through the Zoom platform or a live polling link.

For a fun activity to encourage your students to take a work break, consider sending them a puzzle or a word search that you create on your own. We have created a couple NSEA-themed ones that you can share as well:

NSEA puzzle

NSEA word search

While we rely on Zoom to host staff meetings, you can also use Zoom to host parties and activities. This is an opportunity to unite your team and have some fun. You can convert many games to a virtual format, but we've compiled a list of ideas to help you get started.

If your office has your own social media account, consider posting an appreciation message that your students can see. This public demonstration of appreciation can mean a lot to your students. Follow OSE on social media @jobsforjags for posts that you can reshare, or tag us in your own appreciation messages. Don't forget to use the hashtag #Jagsrocket during NSEA Week!