Services and Training

Services for campus employers

The IU Indianapolis Office of Student Employment serves as a partner to IU Indianapolis campus departments interested in recruiting, employing, and engaging IU Indianapolis students. We have specific services provided to on-campus employers and welcome any department or organization interested in college work experiences to reach out to our office.


Planning and budgeting

  • Guidance on timelines and deadlines affecting student employment at IU Indianapolis, including recommended recruitment and hiring time frames and dates related to employing students who have a work-study award
  • Opportunities to offset the financial cost to your department for employing students, including leveraging work-study and the IU Indianapolis Hire Achievers Program
  • Wage-setting recommendations to ensure compliance with IU policies and to appropriately compensate students based on levels of responsibility

Creating academically relevant positions

  • Direction for designing student positions at an appropriate level to meet departmental needs and to create a challenging and valuable college work experience for students
  • Coaching to craft a detailed and accurate position description to capture responsibilities and to highlight transferable skills gained in the role
  • Review of and feedback on new or existing student employee position descriptions

Recruiting and hiring

  • Guidance on developing a job posting to attract high-quality student candidates
  • Support in marketing your positions to the student body through our job board, social media outlets, recruiting events, and direct coordination with our existing student services and programs
  • Strategies for screening application materials to select quality interview candidates
  • Interview structure planning, guidance, and assistance in selecting the most qualified student candidates
  • Navigation through the process of hiring IU Indianapolis student employees, including students who have a work-study award

Orienting and training

  • Recommendations for developing a comprehensive orientation experience for new student employees, including timelines, topics, and leveraging existing resources
  • Guidance to ensure training and professional development activities are rooted in the student employee experience, including compliance with IU policies and procedures, as well as training/professional development on soft skills

Supervising and engaging

  • Coaching for supervisors on best practices, approaches, and techniques for supervising student employees
  • Guidance for understanding and remaining in compliance with IU policies and procedures related to employing students
  • Strategies for recognizing, engaging, and appreciating student employees and their contributions to departments
  • Recommendations for off-boarding student employees leaving their positions, including termination and separation processing

Managing student employee performance

  • Coaching to address and to mediate situational student employee performance and conduct issues
  • Recommendations for designing, customizing, and implementing student employee performance management processes and tools, including evaluations and conversation tips to highlight enhanced academic and professional growth
  • Referrals to campus resources to address student employee performance and employee relations concerns